
This is a curated page of helpful links. It is not exhaustive. If you know of a resource you think we should add, please Contact Us.

Council for Intellectual Disability

The Council provides information, hold workshops and develops useful resources.

Department of Developmental Disability and Neuropsychiatry (3DN) from UNSW

University of New South Wales resources for health professionals, disability professionals, carers and people with cognitive and intellectual disability

Talking Mats

Talking Mats is a research-based tool to help people think about a topic or issue, and communicate their opinions, ideas and preferences more effectively.

This company describes itself as a “social enterprise”. It is not affiliated with paediatrics.online in any way. It was recommended by a clinician as a useful resource.

Resources for Clinicians from Sydney Children’s Hospital Network

The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network Mental Health and Intellectual Disability (MHID) Hub is a state-wide tertiary service to improve the mental health of children and adolescents with intellectual disability and/or autism under 18 years of age

“Say Less, Show More” visual resources for procedures

There is a gallery of images explaining the steps involved in common medical procedures